Ayşe Kaşıkırık was born in 1988 in Istanbul. She completed her undergraduate education at Istanbul Technical University, Department of Management Engineering with honors degree. She successfully defended her thesis on “Municipal Budgets with a Gender Equality Perspective: Fatih Municipality” in the Political Science and Public Administration graduate program at Istanbul University Institute of Social Sciences in 2017. She is at the dissertation stage in her doctorate (PhD) education in Istanbul University Political Science and Public Administration program. Her PhD thesis is about on women poverty at urban area.

Between 2017-2020, she carried out projects with the focus on women-friendly cities, gender equality, gender responsive budgeting and equal representation of women as the project coordinator at KA.DER (Association for Supporting Women Candidates). She has managed more than 25 national and international projects in her professional life for more than 10 years. 

She continues her academic studies and projects in the fields of women studies, urbanization policies, social policies, gender equality and local governments as an independent researcher. Her numerous reports and articles in these fields were published in various scientific journals. She has been a volunteer in many national and international non-governmental organizations (BPW Federation of Business and Professional Women-BPW İstanbul Club, KA.DER, Ortak Yaşamı Geliştirme Vakfı and BDU-International Businesspersons and Diplomats Union). She aims to conduct original projects, research, publications and reports. In this way, she targets to contribute to the learning, strengthening and solidarity of all fragile segments of society from each other.

She was the founder of “The Global Equality and Inclusion Network” on April 3, 2021, on the 91st anniversary of the day when Turkish women obtained the right to stand and vote in local government elections. We share the passionate spirit of the women who opened the doors for female participation in politics in Turkey. The Global Equality and Inclusion Network aims to contribute to the development of a more liveable world for all segments of society. We deliver our mission by undertaking original projects, conducting targeted research, and organizing bespoke events. At the heart of all we do is encouraging collaboration among women and other vulnerable segments of society to help people learn from each other and become stronger and unified in solidarity.  All our work follows the principles of equality, universal human rights, democracy, the rule of law, and fundamental rights and freedoms. We are committed to carrying out our work independently, impartially, and transparently. We believe that diversity enriches society and we stand against any kind of discrimination.

We believe that a more egalitarian and inclusive world is possible!

Academia: https://istanbul.academia.edu/AyşeKaşıkırık 

ResearchGate: https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Ayse-Kasikirik

Google Scholar: https://scholar.google.com.tr/citations?hl=tr&user=JxejiHwAAAAJ

DergiPark: https://dergipark.org.tr/tr/pub/@aysekasikirik




