About project


GLOBAL CITIZENSHIP FOR HUMAN RIGHTS is a long term project which has the main aim to build capacity of partner organisation for using Human Rights Education on the local level and transferring existing tools and creating new one for promoting Human Rights and Interfaith dialogue.


In many countries in Europe and around the world basic democratic rights are rejected and questioned, large groups in our societies are still promoting intolerance, segregation even authoritarian rule, while right-wing ideologies spreading the values that deny human rights to certain societal groups minimize democracy values at all levels. All of these challenges largely affect the basics of solidarity and democratic living together, they are contributing to a resurgence of nationalism which are increasing those challenges even more.

HRE is recognized by consortium as an effective strategy to prevent HR abuses and due to that all sinergies among partners will be induced in order to equip youth workers for HRE and train multiplier agents how to organize educational activities on local level.

HRE must constantly evolve in order to respond to the changing needs and circumstances of today’s societies. Furthermore, it is not enough to simply educate youngsters on tolerance and non-violence  as well as intercultural and iterfaith dialogue cannot be described as a best practice without being demonstrated and reinforced by educators, parents, the community and wider civil society. Only through a holistic and cooperative approach can HRE be truly effective in guaranteeing respect for the rights of all. For these reasons, the project also focuses on the planning and implementing different and effective CBAs at the local level in order to strengthen the capabilities of all partners and better promotion and protection of HR.


·       To build capacities of  the partner organization for planning and running activities related to Human Rights Education - HRE and interreligious dialogue

·       To equip youth workers for HRE and train multipliers how to organize educational activities on local level

·       promote different positive and effective approaches of HRE in all partner countries and their realities

·       To develop competences of youth workers, leaders and trainers needed for working in HRE and intercultural and  inter-religious societies.

·       To share good practices in the field of HRE and using tools and methods for running NFE activities on local level

·       To explore, create and share relevant and effective tools working in a field of HRE and interreligious dialogue as well to provide opportunity to testing these methods in practice

·       To create new tools and manuals for HRE

·       To stimulate the dialogue and discussion among different participants/stakeholders (representatives of institutions, OCD's, youth, etc.) on local level and building strong networking.


Project partners:

Nevladina organizacija "IUVENTA" (Serbia)

TDM 2000 (Italy)

Kulturális Kapcsolatokért Alapítvány (Hungary)

Darusselam Vakfi (Turkey)

Gerakan Kerelawanan Internasional (GREAT) (Indonesia)

Disha International Foundation Trust (India)





"The European Commission support for the production of this blog does not constitute an endorsement of the contents which reflects the views only of the authors, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein"

This blog has been also created with the contribution of Regione Autonoma della Sardegena.

